Live in The Present

Hello Everyone, I discovered this excerpt by Eliezer Gonzalez regarding living in the present moment (via bible app).

For those thinking “what does that even mean??“… keep reading ☺️☺️

“The actress Mary McDonnell has said, “We have to get back to the beauty of just being alive in this present moment.” There’s a lot of wisdom in that.

Too many people live in the past – a past of disappointment and broken dreams.

It is our nature to dwell on the hurts of the past. And it is also the nature of popular culture to push us towards a future we know is just an illusion.

To try to exist in the present with no notion of the goodness of the past or the goodness of the future is simply too bleak to contemplate. We can only “get back to the beauty of just being alive in this present moment” when we are able to find goodness in the past and goodness in the future.

It is because of the good thing that God has done in the past through Christ at Calvary that a good future is assured for all who love Him. For that reason, because of the Cross, every hour, every minute, every second, of every day can be pregnant with wonderful opportunity, meaningful purpose, and boundless joy.

When you discover Jesus, you discover life-not life in the past, not life in the future-but life right now.

There are many people who are waiting for some future time to be happy and to truly live. Are you one of them? Ask your Heavenly Father to help you see his goodness to you in your past and in your present.”

The past couple of weeks have been very busy and distracting for me. It’s easy for us to get caught up within our schedules. Not including all of the current responsibilities that seem to keep coming our way.

Truly take a moment…..


Don’t worry about the upcoming days. God will work it out in your favor. Know this and hold it in faith.

Focus on the present moment that you’ve been given.

What do you want to see out of this day?

Whatever it is, Speak it into existence!!!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

We fail to appreciate the days that God gives us. I don’t want to walk out this month, week, or day in a negative mindset.

I will keep my mind renewed and refreshed by meditating on the word of God. Where I am able to constantly live in the abundant moment.

I pray that you all have a prosperous and wonderful Monday!!! 💕

Keep a look out for my organizations details about the Christmas Donation Drive that we will be hosting to give back to the homeless in Dallas, TX!! All donations will be going directly to the cause. 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾💫

Hope for the best, expect the excellent!

7 thoughts on “Live in The Present

  1. Thanks    for accepting and following my blog.

    I’m available to read your post at my convenient time.

    You have such an interesting topic I will love to read in
    your blog.

    I still remain  the simple blogger…..

    Peace ✌and Love ❤

    Liked by 2 people

      1. [29/11, 8:31 pm] Patrick: Thank you so much for reading my post and for leaving such an honest comment.

        Here is a simple question I will love to ask you:

        1. What are you contribution,opinion and views about the tale?

        2. What are the views about the four tales of women?

        3. How can you connect this four tales about women in the society?

        Please let me know all your reactions, views and insights in the comment box below!

        I will love to see your awesome reply.

        Thanks for your comment.

        Peace ✌and Love ❤
        [30/11, 9:39 am] Patrick: The poem is short but carries a lot of meaning if scrutinized properly.

        Such a profound way of writing. Love the beginning part of it (Endlessly,
        I ask myself what am I to me? )
        and the end part of the poem just made it look real again(It seems I’m just the tormentor
        And nothing more.)

        After reading it , I guess the person didn’t get the answer after searching.

        Thanks for giving me that mindset of searching for unknown.

        I still remain  the simple blogger…..

        Peace ✌and Love ❤


  2. Hi

    Thank you. I am happy to see your  writing. It gives me a thoughtful thinking and am  happy for that. That is always my intention to see a post that gives me happiness.

    Am happy  to share at least a part of that happiness and love here as am  writing now.

    What you said in your post  is true, sometimes just a drop of that magical post in your blog  is enough to get a person to be happy.

    Good one

    Well, If I wish to be happy is inevitable to keep the vibes flowing.



    Peace ✌and Love ❤

    Liked by 2 people

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