Jamaica The Beautiful πŸ‡―πŸ‡² – My Trip 2018

Jamaica, The Beautiful!!!!!


Have you ever fell in love with a place that seemed “Too Good” to be true?!?

Well, that is how I feel about Jamaica. Not that it seems too good to be true but ’til this day, I’m still mesmerized that the island is in fact the REAL DEAL! πŸ€€πŸ˜πŸ™ŒπŸΎ

I went to this paradise last month. Before then, I have never traveled outside of the U.S. … It was such an eye opener all the way around for me!

One of my oldest and closest friends currently lives on the island and made it his second home away from Texas.

He was involved with the local schools and taught the children as well. I love being around a great cause that helps others!

Although, I had no PTO saved (since I went to Orlando/Miami the month before)…. I couldn’t pass up the opporunity to be surrounded by God’s beauty in a way that I have never seen it before. 😍😍😍😍

I flew directly from Dallas to Montego Bay, Jamaica. The entire flight, I was at awe due to the sparkling blue/light green water and mountains from the surrounding islands that we passed. 🌴

The closer and closer the plane got to the airport, the more anxious I became. Ready to jump out and meet my friend on such an spectacular island. 🌈

Since my friend, Eddie, has been on the island for over 3 years now. I trusted all the advice that he gave me for this partial solo trip.

I stayed away from the tourist sites and shopping areas. The locals can easily spot non-natives and charge you unreasonable amounts of money for taxis, food and souvenirs.

I dressed in all black since I didn’t want to cause attention to myself as I journeyed to the side of the island that I was staying at.

That town was called Negril!!!!!

My Airbnb was about a 3 mile trek to the “Seven Mile Beach”. Thankfully I am very outdoorsy so I didn’t mind the walk at all.

Two words: THE WATER!!!!!! ✨

I’ve traveled to most of the popular beaches in all of the United States and never have I been to a place that had such sparkling and clear ocean water. I could see directly through it!

Truly remarkable my friends!!!!

The air was purified to the fullest. Fresher air compared to our cities in the US which are filled with extreme amounts of fog + pollution from the machinery that we use constantly.

So much greenery was flourishing on the Jamaican soil. It was effortlessly easy to breathe out there! Perfect for my morning yoga sessions. πŸ§˜πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ

Since I walked this same trail to and from everyday, I ended up finding cool spots that were abandoned but nethertheless, just as spectacular.

I loved sitting by the ocean, taking in the beautiful air… one breathe at a time. Filling my lungs of the paradise that surrounded me.

I always find myself mediating by a body of water or submerged around God’s nature. 😍 I can always receive the best clarity in those conditions.

Even though I was thousands of miles away from Dallas, it was no different.

I sat at this abandoned bar that had a mural of Bob Marley painted upon it.

The meal I ate the most out there was the beef or chicken patty with coco bread!!!! YUMMY!!!

It was a $1.25 meal and would fill me up all day long. I lived off of these while I was out there and saved a whole bunch of money!!!!!

If I stayed at the tourist resorts or tourist areas, meals would’ve costed me at least $13USD + each time.

Another area that my friend took me to was the cliffside of Negril.

The water was much more salty but the views were endlessly beautiful! I was in a daze the whole time.

The pictures below are from this area during the sunset + nightfall time.

we also visited the cliffside during the day time so my friend, his girlfriend and his other friend could jump off the cliffs into the ocean lol.


All in all, I could sit there forever taking in the wisdom and beauty of The Lord. Being thankful for every moment that has lead me up to this serenity.

I felt a peace greater than no other!!!!

Also, I did jump in as well if you’re wondering. Below is a video of me floating around!

What I loved about Jamaica, was the versatility it provided. You have the beach areas, the cliffside areas and the mountain side as well!

My friend’s girlfriend is a native Jamaican and her family lives within the mountain tops of the island. They also showed me around there as well!

They maintained a farm as a living and I could see the instant joys of such a duty, as well as, the hardship and struggle as well.

I had nothing but respect for his girlfriend and her family for doing what they did. They had plants growing all around their property!

Plantain and sugar cane were growing everywhere!!! It was so awesome to see them growing in their natural state.

No preservatives, no wax on the veggies or fruit. Everything was beyond fresh!!!!! 🀀✨

Even the meat that I ate on the island tasted better than what we are served here in America. I didn’t notice the difference UNTIL this trip. (This is a whole other topic that I may touch another day lol)

My taste buds will never be the same again. Haha

I could honestly continue this post for days!!!!! Lol

All in all, I have truly fallen in love with Jamaica. Every angle was gorgeous and beyond anything in the US.

One thing that stood out the most to me was how friendly everyone was.

For the first time in my life, as a person of color, I completely felt at home. Being surrounded by others of color in such a way was a feeling that I want to surround myself with at all times!!!!!!! a feeling of comfort that I’ve never felt back home. Not once!

The locals were beyond nice and everyone got along. It was truly a brotherhood + sisterhood out there.

They even told me that if I didn’t speak, they would’ve assumed that I was from there lol. They were inspired to see other people of color, traveling and seeing the world.

They also were mind blown to know that other African Americans also resemble them as well. Their faces were so lit up with excitement when they were talking to me. πŸ”₯❀️ it truly warmed my heart. I reassured them that I knew plenty of black people who seriously do look like them back home.

There was no crazy animosity roaming the streets (like it is here in the US).

Everyone was at peace instead of trying to kill each other every chance they could. I didn’t have to walk around, looking over my shoulder to see if a cop was following me or to find someone calling the cops on me because I looked “suspicious”.

All that I described are traits of how it is to be a minority living in America. Uncomfortable and tragic!!!

During the whole trip, besides my Airbnb… I spent less than $100 out there living the local life.

I cannot wait to go back again in March!!!! My friend and I are wanting to build a school out there by 2020! I will keep you guys updated on the cause!!

If you read this whole post, THANK YOU! Lol Have a great day and God bless my friends!!!!

13 thoughts on “Jamaica The Beautiful πŸ‡―πŸ‡² – My Trip 2018

  1. Thanks so much for posting this. You brought Jamaica alive for me and made me want to visit. πŸ™‚ All of your pictures were beautiful. You’re beautiful too, by the way. Praying for you and your friend as you plan for your goal. Have a great day! God bless you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. God Bless you Alisa. Thank you for taking out the time to read the post πŸ˜ƒ!! I am thrilled that I was able to show just a glimpse of the beauty on the island! You must visit! You will love it!! πŸ’šπŸ’› thank you for your prayers regarding the new project that we will be doing as well! 😘

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This looks like it was a beautiful trip! I am waiting for the opportunity to travel again. I too love meditating near water as I feel that is when I am closest to nature and a deeper sense of peace and clarity. I always leave the beach feeling refreshed! Great to see that you had fun! πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So happy to stumble across this post. Jamaican here. Really happy you had a great visit! The comparison you made between life in the States and here is eye-opening. I guess unfortunately everywhere has its problems because many Jamaicans are foreign-minded and would give anything for a USA green card or visa for better opportunities, plus our crime problem is out of hand in some pockets of the country due to dire poverty really.. desperation, get-rich-quick mentality, poor access to resources etc. Anyway, wishing you all the best. Stay safe and do visit again when you can. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Rochelle! Thanks for reading and checking out my post! πŸ™‚ You have made valid points regarding the “scammer” mentality that does surround Jamaica as well. Which is unfortunate. As you stated, every country has their faults.

      All in All, I love your country and plan to be back very soon!! God bless πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello!! Thank you!☺️ it was a blissful and eye opening experience for sure! I am thankful to have my friends show me around. Hope you are able to visit this beautiful country one day. πŸ’š


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